Board Members


Comprised of nineteen (19) people, Governing Board members are chosen in general elections or may be appointed to fill vacant seats. Elections are held in the first or second quarter of odd numbered years, spaced in two-year intervals. Elected board members serve a 2-year term. Appointed board members fill out the term of the vacated seat.

Board members are sworn representatives of the City of Los Angeles and must pass finance, ethics, and code of conduct certification training. Neighborhood Council board members are entrusted to represent North Westwood’s interests to the Mayor, City Council and all City government departments and agencies and are tasked by the City Charter with “assisting in the delivery of city services” and “bringing government closer to the people” by holding public meetings within neighborhood council official boundaries and hearing the public’s opinion on matters of concern.

Executive Officers

Josh Trifunovic

Marcello Robinson
Vice President

Jacob Wasserman

Elizabeth Brady

Board Members

Raag Agrawal
Graduate Representative

Elizabeth Brady
Undergraduate Representative 

Jacob Chernow
Undergraduate Representative 

Eric Coestad
Organizational Stakeholder

Tommy Contreras
Renter Representative

Erin Coutts
Renter Representative

Kevin Crummy
Business Representative

At-large Stakeholder

Cristopher Espino
At-large Stakeholder

Philip Gabriel
Homeowner Representative

Nuha Khalfay
General Residental

Maikel Kohanhediud
Business Representative

Andrew Lewis

Bettina Omara
At-large Stakeholder

Wren Reynolds
University Staff Or Administrative Representative

Marcello Robinson
Organizational Representative

Donald Shoup
Faculty Representative

Josh Trifunovic
Business Representative

Jacob Wasserman
Worker Representative