Vote in NWWNC Elections

Have your say in who represents our neighborhood! Elections are open for the Board of the North Westwood Neighborhood Council.

Anyone who lives, works, attends school, or is in a community organization in North Westwood can vote, regardless of citizenship.

Your normal voter registration does not apply! You will need to register separately here.

The deadline to request a ballot is March 10, 2025 at 11:59 P.M.

Ballots must be postmarked by March 18, 2025.

Option 1: Register online for a mail-in ballot:

More details below.

Option 2: E-mail in a request form for a mail-in ballot:

More details below.

City Clerk voter homepage

City Clerk voter guide: web - PDF

City Clerk voter FAQ

Register Online for a Mail-in Ballot

1. Make an account here: Create an account, verify your e-mail address with the link sent to your e-mail, and set a password.

If you already have an account, skip ahead.

Click for step-by-step details

2. Go to: Input the e-mail and password you just created, and click "Login."

3. Click "Create Voter Application."

4. Input your name and contact information, and move to the next page.

5. Select "North Westwood" as the Neighborhood Council. Then, check all that apply under "Stakeholder Types." 

6. Fill in information on where you live, work, attend school, etc.:

7. Input your mailing address.

8. Hit "Submit." Check any confirmation pop-ups. Then, click "Accept" and "Submit."

Click for confirmation screens

9. Wait for your ballot to arrive in the mail, and then mail it back!

E-mail in a Request Form for a Mail-in Ballot

1. Fill out this form: (other languages here). You may need to open it in Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat, not a browser, in order to e-sign it. 

2. Write "North Westwood" as the Neighborhood Council.

3. Fill in information on where you live, work, attend school, etc., putting all that apply:

4. Put your mailing address.

5. Either print, sign, and scan the document, or e-sign on the PDF.

6. E-mail the document to <> (or mail it to: City Clerk—Election Division, 555 Ramirez Street, Space #300, Los Angeles, CA 90012; or fax it to: (213)-978‐0376) 

7. Wait for your ballot to arrive in the mail, and then mail it back!